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Our Blog

Solutions not Problems

Solutions not Problems

One of the best Managers I had early in my career was Bob Jones my Sales Director at Homepride Foods in the 1980’s. He was a kind and gentle man but with a presence and wisdom that was almost tangible. He had answers but they did not come from him without work.

Appreciating Assets

Appreciating Assets

A friend of mine has a Ferrari. It is a beautiful machine and his pride and joy. He keeps it in his secured garage and, if the sun is shining and he is in the mood, he will take it out for a spin to enjoy it. It is a wonderful car full of history and envied by many who see it.

Service as a sustainable Point of Difference

Service as a sustainable Point of Difference

In the UK over the last 4 years of the recession, large organisations have cut back on their costs in order to retain their profits in declining markets. This has been most visible in retailers like Tesco and the other multiples where our journey now from entrance to exit often involves no human interaction whatsoever. I accept that automated tills require investment but this short term pain is offset by long term gain from having fewer ‘heads’ in store.

Who Are you?

Who Are you?

I was working with a client yesterday and coaching a couple of their Sales people in the effective use of social media. It was great fun but it struck me how difficult it is to keep our various persona on the internet consistent.

Changing Consumer Habits

Changing Consumer Habits

January. A time when we all tend to take stock about what we have done in the previous year and what we want to do in the new one. It is also a great time for retailers of all types to capitalise on this ‘open to change’ mentality and woo new customers. But Retailers need to get their offering right if they are going to turn these opportunities into ongoing sales.

Personal Value and Strategy

Personal Value and Strategy

How do we value ourselves and how do others value us? If we work in large organisations this tends to be measured ultimately by our remuneration package. Our salary may not meet with our personal expectations but it is usually set by market rates. Where the company gets this wrong, it can leave to staff leaving and being head hunted by their competitors or them simply leaving because of lack of engagement.

Learning from Losing

Learning from Losing

I read a story recently which outlined how tough it was to leave certain companies from the customer’s perspective. The headline was “Sky vs Customer” and it outlined the 96 minute conversation between the two parties as the conversation became more agitated. Needless to say, Sky came in for a lot of flak and have had to defend their position subsequently.

Pricing dilemma

Pricing dilemma

Are You Charging Based On What You Know, Or On What You Imagine?

The whole issue of pricing is a dilemma to many small business owners. In fact, I’d say it’s the area where most people have doubts, uncertainty and sometimes downright fears. “Am I charging enough?” or, “Am I missing out by being too expensive?” are questions many business owners ask themselves over and over again.

  • Great opportunities

    Helping you grow

    For over 16 years, JMR Sales & Consultancy has been offering help to businesses which are struggling to grow in line with expectations. We offer a discreet resource to support business owners in reaching their aspirations by understanding your markets, your products, your people and your culture.

    JMR Sales has a long list of satisfied customers across industries as diverse as High Street Retailing, Automotive, Catering, Recruitment and Hotels.

    Read more

  • Decades of experience

    JMR Sales & Consultancy use their expertise in Sales Consultancy and Strategic Development to support Managing Directors, Sales Directors and Business Managers or Owners to solve a wide range of challenges their company can face.

    Offering short to mid term contracts, JMR Sales & Consultancy can offer a fresh pair of eyes to a failing sales plan; coach an under-achieving sales team and offer support as a Business Coach.

  • Speaking Profile

    “People are always interested in ways to generate Sales and as someone who has spent all their career in this area, there are a number of Universal principles I have learned and am happy to share with a wider audience."

    Some of the topics I am used to presenting include:

    • 6 Reasons why most Sales Teams Underperform
    • The ABC of Sales – Leveraging your Brand Equity
    • Customer Service – How it can become a sustainable point of difference, whatever your business.
  • Read about us

    Client Testimonials

    • “Jonathan has been a great help to me recently. He has been out on several field visits, given constructive criticism but more importantly given me useful tips, tatics and tools and how to implement them to add value to my customers and developing business opportunities with them. Since working with JMR I have also recommended Jonathan to a friend's business with a £25million turnover. Jonathan is now working with the Sales force there now!”

      Darren Whiteside - Contracts Manager North

    • Jonathan quickly gets under the skin of an organisation, the offerings, the people and the clients. He combined his wealth of sales and people experience, coaching, mentoring and training with a huge amount of flexibility to bring out the best of everyone. Jonathan gave me confidence in my sales abilities, refining my approach over a period of time. Our business growth in the last six months is due to Jonathan's substantial input. He is warm, genuine and funny and an absolute pleasure to work with.

      Jude Jennison - Author & Conference and Motivational Speaker

    • I had a mentoring session with Jonathan that set the scene for a major, much-needed change for me in my working and business activities. He was honest, upfront and said those things that I didn't want to hear. He then checked in on me a month later, keeping me to account. I now have more time, the right focus and love what I do even more with results that reflect all of that. Thank you Jonathan.

      Kerrie Dorman - Founder of the ABM and Head Mentor at Sinclair Dorman

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0121 355 6611

07785 928518